Victory Christian Center Church was founded by Jesse Rice in 1987. He began by having home bible studies, which were attended by those of various denominational background, but also who had a hunger and thirst for God’s word.
After seeking God through fasting and prayer, Reverend Rice felt the call of God to begin his ministry. The first service was held October 18, 1987 in the home of Jesse and Ruth Rice at 19484 Sussex, Detroit, Michigan. In August, 1988, Victory Christian Center began holding service at the Northwest Activity Center. There we remained until March 1989 when the Lord blessed us so miraculously to move to 4701 W. Warren, Detroit, Michigan. We remained there until the Lord provided us with this location – 5080 Belmont, Hamtramck, Michigan. Victory Christian Center Church entered its new church home on Palm Sunday, April 3, 1998. The dedication service for our new location was held Sunday, May 3, 1998.
Since our beginnings, God has shown His faithfulness in His dealings with us. He has added to this local body such as should be saved. We believe that all ministries of the gospel are established by God and His sovereignty through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who is the Head and Chief Shepherd. We believe that God has called this body of believers together to fulfill the
following purpose:
We believe that these purposes will be accomplished not through natural abilities or ingenuity. God has given assurance through the words given in Zechariah 4:6 which says, “Not by might, or by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts.”
Church history